Our Impact
NSBE has the power to make a real and continual impact in many ways. When we align our finances with the outcomes we desire, our beliefs, and NSBE's mission, results are automatic and immediate. Our programs are perpetually growing and evolving with the needs of our community.
Engage and Inspire K-12 students in the field of STEM/STEAM
The NSBE Denver Professional Chapter seeks to answer the questions on many parents' minds, "How can I keep my child engaged in STEM," especially when their school's programs may be lacking. In 2017-18, only 7% of public school teachers and 11% of public school principals were Black. The lack of representation in the schools can often create a challenge for students to make the necessary connection with the content taught. NSBE Denver brought the needed representation to the Denver schools throughout the school enlightenment program. We raised funds through our partnership with Workday and provided complete STEM kits for over 200 students. Engineers from our membership directly engage with students and inspired black children to pursue future endeavors in STEM/STEAM.
The National Report Card
Figure 1 Source: https://nces.ed.gov/programs/coe/
Figure 1 shows the 2018 national assessments in all 8th-grade subjects, Black students still fell behind. For instance,
Only 23 out of 100 Black students performed at or above the NAEP proficient level in Technology and Engineering Literacy.
NSBE DPC Professional Development
The NSBE Denver Professionals understand that our responsibilities don't stop at the precollegiate and collegiate levels but extend to our members. For example, an official with the American Chemical Society wrote an opinion piece titled "America's Gathering Storm" (Grob Schmidt, 2005). The article suggests increasing math and science education in the US, noting that China graduated 600,000 engineers last year and India 350,000, while the US figure was 70,000. As the Engineering talent shortage grows across the United States, NSBE DPC seeks to offer the best talents in the industry the opportunities in the Denver metro and surrounding areas.
Our members' expertise, resumes, and volunteer efforts are highlighted through the DPC Talent pool. Members are then paired with our industry partners seeking to fill job openings. In addition, NSBE Denver Professionals seek to conduct professional development workshops throughout the year, which aid in members' professional success.